Saturday, January 31, 2015

New Year, New Inner You

There is an inner negative voice inside me sometimes, that tells me "I am an idiot, blah blah blah."
It's a new year, so I can, and I am able, I will, I am enough 
and I deserve.
I am not going to listen to or encourage negative me.
I am creating a new positive voice, even if I don't believe it at first, and I am going to put my new positive voice on replay!
"I can, I will, I am able, I'm enough, and I deserve." 
Replay. Replay alot!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Some Succeed, and Others Fail - Why?

The successful person knows exactly what she wants, has a plan for getting it, believes in her ability to achieve it, and devotes a major portion of her time to acquiring it.
A successful person is a master salesperson who has learned the art of influencing others to cooperate in a friendly way, to carry out her plans.
The successful person thinks before she speaks, minimizes her dislikes or doesn't mention them.
A successful person budgets time, income and expenses, and lives within her means.
The successful person takes a keen interested in people, especially those with whom she has something in common, and forms a bond of friendship with them.
A successful person keeps her mind and outlook on life positive at all times, and keeps current on local and worldwide news and events.
The successful person has a great respect for her Creator, and expresses it frequently through prayers and being helpful to others.
Adaped from A Year of Growing Rich by Napoleon Hill.