Monday, May 27, 2013

Resilience - Do you have it?

Jeffrey Gitomer has an amazing new ebook about resilience and being a resilient leader.

Here's a great 1 sentence definition of a resilient leader = You have to be the teacher, the conductor, the coach, and the encourager.

Here's the paragraph definition of it = Resilient Leaders also have an internal capacity to motivate and inspire up, down, and across the organization. They have a personal foundation of purpose, passion, and tenacity
that helps them bounce back from adversity quicker, and higher, than others. One of the most powerful
characteristics of a resilient leader is that he or she knows their strengths, and chooses to consistently build
upon them. No matter where they are in their careers, resilient leaders never stop evolving their ability to
lead, even if it means changing or adapting their leadership style.

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